Today has been a great day for a couple of reasons. First, Mom got to come home. Woohoo!!!! And, she is getting to go to Dallas tomorrow to get her Sandostatin shot. Another woohoo. Well, not that she has to have it and that it hurts real bad, but woohoo to it being available for her to get. :-)
The weather has been so amazing the last couple of days and will be again tomorrow. We have taken advantage of the weather and spent our days outside ALL day. Yesterday, Hayden spent the morning outside with Jeff while I got my hair done. Then, we loaded up when I got home and went with Amy, Hudson, and Hayson to Sulphur Springs to the park and to get some ice cream. You can’t go the park without getting a treat. Right?
They both kind of accidentally walked through the water and got soaked! Just too tempting!
Today we got up early to meet up with our friends in Rockwall so we could head to the Dallas Zoo. Such a great day to go!
If you have 2 year olds or ever had one, you know how hard it is to get them to sit still for a picture. These next pictures crack me up (and might be embarrassing for this momma) for many different reasons…
Four beautiful little girls sitting so nicely. You kind of see Hayden’s leg.

Hayden jumped down. Didn’t want his picture taken.

Yep, that is my kid. He didn’t want his dadgum picture taken. Ok?

“Want to see the animals?” Hayden suddenly become interested. Girls loose interest.
Minus the hand in the mouth, pretty good shot!
I guess Hayden wanted to let us know exactly what he thought about getting his picture taken. Trying to be nonchalant.
D.O.N.E. with pictures. No longer being nonchalant. GEEZ!
(Just so we are clear, we don’t do this nor condone this at our house. He doesn’t know what it means and I am just trying to make light of the situation. Too funny not to post.)
We saw lots of animals of course.
It must of have been multiples day at the zoo. I lost count of how many of these train wagons we saw today. It was crazy! Mommas were wearing shirts that said “Yes, I have my hands full” or“Quad Squad”. I can’t imagine!
We had a nice picnic lunch.
Got to run around and play in the dirt.

Addisyn cracks me up!
Hayden was so proud of this fine stick he found.
Then, we rolled up our pants and played in the water! Crazy as it sounds, there many kids in bathing suits.

We ended our day on the carousel. We sat on the bench on the carousel while Hayden held on to me for dear life.

Such a sweet, silly boy. Glad we didn’t have any more fits. :-)
It took no time at all and Hayden was sound asleep and Payton decided to join him. Just too much fun for these babies!