Monday, July 19, 2010

He thinks his Granddaddy’s tractor is…

Hayden thinks his Granddaddy’s tractors are SO FUN! DSC_0563  He has already figured out that his Granddaddy takes him for rides and expects a ride if he hears or sees the tractor!  Last night Daddy was washing the tractors and Hayden could hardly wait to get into the tractor.

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One of Hayden’s favorite words to say…Deer!  So, when he saw the deer on the steering wheel, he kept pointing to it, saying “Deer, Deer”…except it actually sounds like DUHEAR. 


Then, when it was time to get out of the tractor.  He held on to the steering wheel for “deer” life!  I think we pretty much had to pry him from the tractor!  Daddy said, “I wondered when this would start to happen.”  I really don’t think it hurts Daddy’s feelings any!  :-)


Hayden certainly does not have a shortage of his very own tractors to play with though!


Most recently, I got this one for $2.50 at the Good Samaritans.  It has a few war wounds, but I still think this was about the best $2.50 I have spent in a long time! 

DSC_0555DSC_0548DSC_0562DSC_0556 It has become quite obvious lately that Hayden loves his tractors!  And his Granddaddy’s, Papa’s, and Uncle Mark’s tractor’s too!  

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Can't believe you got that john deer ride thingy for 2.50!!! That is awesome!! Cute pictures!!!! He is a country boy!! :)