Monday, January 9, 2012

Potty Training has begun…Again.

Well, I think we are really ready to begin potty training again.  We started back in the fall, but with obligations where we couldn’t stay home and Hayden just wasn’t quite ready, we held off for a bit.  Now, we have begun again.  I really have been waiting to have three solid days at home.  But, realistically, that just doesn’t happen.  We have two days this week we are going somewhere, so we are going to just do the best we can!

Hayden has just recently started telling us when he needs a new diaper and very rarely objects to getting in changed.  He usually wakes up dry in the morning and after naps.  We got a new “potty book” recently which has become one of his favorites, so maybe that has helped too.  Or, maybe he just thinks it is cool that the bear in the story is wearing train underwear.  Ha! 

This morning, I decided we were giving it a go!  I whipped up this cheesy little sticker chart to help us out.  He got some Thomas the Train stickers for Christmas so we are using those.  He knows that if he gets all of the squares filled, he is going to get to pick out a new Thomas the Train toy.  We recently have become a little obsessed with Thomas the Train.  Really trains in general! 

So, today we spent a lot of our time in the bathroom.  Or, washing undies or cleaning up from an accident.  I didn’t leave his side all day.  The fun part was Kristin and I were texting back and forth all day giving each other updates on our potty training efforts for the day! 


Picking out his sticker!


Hayden only told me once that he needed to go today.  But, I started recognizing the signals that he needed to go!  If he had an accident, he would say “Oh no!”  or “Oh my!  Tee-tee on the floor!  Tee-Tee on me!” 

This is how we finished up the day. I would call that a success! 


I have our next one ready to go…



Kelly said...

Patients, patients, patients. It takes a while, what seems like forever for us Momma's, but one day it will just click with him and he will start to realize that he doesn't want the pee on him anymore! I took a good three months to get Kaden accident proof doing both things in the potty. Now, I can't believe how fast he picked up on it, looking back. But, I know at the time, it seemed like it was never going to happen. The cloth underwear did it for us, Kaden didnt even want them wet! Good Luck! Looks like he LOVES the sticker system. Go Hayden Go!

Jennifer said...

You might have to add squares or think of a cheaper prize. At $15 a train you'll be broke :) But whatever it takes!