Friday, November 11, 2011

Line Em’ Up

Here we go…it’s been a while since the last “Line Em’ Up” post, but we still have lots of lining up going on around here!  Now, Hayden will line something up and just clap and jump around so excited and can hardly wait for you to take a picture.  So funny! 

Random…trucks, tractors, a balloon, and a bulb medicine dropper.


Cars, trucks, tractors, and trains…  DSC_0938 DSC_0940

Disney/Mickey Mouse Characters…


After completing the task in his room, he loaded them all up in his red bucket and hauled them into the living room and began the task again.


I think it is interesting that he put all the red trucks together and all the blue items together. 


He built a “gate”. 

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Certainly can’t leave all the rubber bath toys out.


My Favorite…


Lisa W., you should be proud.  I was saying smallest, bigger, bigger, bigger, biggest!  ;-) 


Tricia said...

I love it. where did you get all the disney characters? what a smart boy. :)

Sharon said...

He is so creative. He needs more toys to line up! His Nanny loves him!

Jamie said...

I love seeing his waffle on the plate next to his trucks! So cute!