Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas 2010-Part 3

After a fun Christmas morning of playing, playing, and playing some more and oh yes…enjoying some Pioneer Woman cinnamon rolls, Hayden took a nap while Jeff and I got ready to go to the Smith’s for Christmas. 

We enjoyed a yummy traditional dinner (lunch), the kids opened gifts, and the adults did a Chinese gift exchange. 

Aunt Sherry and cousin Brooklyn. 


Aunt Lulu (Yolanda) and cousin Grayson.


Cole and Brooklyn.  I love this picture.  Sweet brother and sister.  They love hugging.  Ha! 


Hayden enjoying him some “puppy chow”.  I lost count of how many times he said “more, more”. 


Gift opening time!

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Brooklyn got his DQ Blizzard machine from her Lulu.  I think I might need a taste test soon! 


Hayden got this police bear from his Nana and PaPa that sings and dances to the tune of “Bad Boys, Bad Boys…”  Hayden LOVES it! 

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Clayton got this Ghillie Suit from his Nana and Papa.  He was so excited about it!  I don’t think Hayden ever saw him in the suit or didn’t pay attention to him.  He does look a little scary though! 


After Hayden opened his new tent, I don’t think we saw him for an hour.  Ha!  Just kidding.  But he LOVES it!  As you can see he got several new trucks and tractors too.  He might be a little obsessed with trucks and tractors! 


That afternoon when we got home…Still playing in the tent!



We also gave this rocking horse to Hayden on Christmas day.  It was made for me by my cousins’ daddy when I was little.  It has been loved by many little ones throughout the years and I know Hayden will love it just as much.  We now go for several rocking horse rides a day.  DSC_0619

Christmas day was such a fun day!  Stay tuned for Part 4.


Kristin said...

Cute tent!!

The Barner Bunch said...

Fun tent!!!
We need to ride four-wheels together too sometime! You have lots of land/room for that! ha

My brother-in-law has a Ghillie suit! Hilarious and SCARY (especially when he puts it on during Halloween trick or treating). He literally scares those poor little kids in Throckmorton away from the Keeter house by hiding out in the bushes!!!