Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Let me just start by saying…dieting stinks!! I am so envious of those of you who can pop out babies, go back to your original itty bitty self, and not have a  stretch mark one!   Ok, I am over my pity party!  :-)

So here’s the scoop…One year after having Hayden, I weighed a few pounds less than when I got pregnant with him.  Before I got pregnant with Hayden I had just lost about 20 pounds.  I actually lost all my “baby” weight fairly quickly.  I attribute this to nursing.  What I regret is not eating a little more healthy and exercising more when I was nursing.  I probably would have had a much easier time loosing some extra weight I would like to loose.  For some reason, although I weigh less than what I did when I got pregnant, my body certainly looks a lot different!  Ha!

I have been “dieting” for three weeks.  I am doing my best to stick to a 1200 calorie diet, consume 60 grams of protein, and drink only water each day.  I haven’t had a Dr. Pepper in over three weeks!  I have been walking about 2.5 miles almost every day.  So far, I have lost 10 pounds.  My goal is to loose 15 more.  Of course, I would be very happy if I lost more!  If I lost 20 pounds, I would be the same weight as I was when Jeff and I met.  Granted, when we met, I was the thinnest I had been in a VERY long time!  But, honestly, it was a healthy weight and where I should be.  Needless to say, being married to Jeff has made me very happy and made me gain weight!  Darn that Jeff! 

BUT…I am determined and am ready to look and feel better.  Jeff has started doing this with me, so I think it will make it easier!  Jeff is one of those that if he sets his mind to it and eats what he should and exercises, he can loose weight quite quickly.  Again, darn that Jeff!  :-) 

We have a vacation to Gulf Shores, Alabama coming up (if the oil spill doesn’t ruin our fun), so we both have a goal in mind and are ready to meet that goal!  Wish us luck!  I will keep you posted! 


Kristin said...

That is SO great!!! Thanks for posting that because that actually motivates me and I hope that it will make me get back on my treadmill or start going for walks!! You are doing GREAT!!! Keep up the good work!!!

Marla said...

Great job on losing the 10 pounds in only 3 weeks! That is awesome!!

If it makes you feel any better....I am having trouble losing weight and I am nursing. Granted- I eat whatever I want....BUT with that being said....when I do try to eat less and more sensible, my supply goes down. It has been a bit of a challenge tying to figure out the 'right' amount to eat to keep my supply, and NOT gain. You know?

I still have 20 pounds to go to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight with Grace. And it is disheartening because I am ready to lose that weight!!! (OK- now I am through throwing my pity party! :)

The Barner Bunch said...

You too good Megan. This week was Teacher Appreciation week and I totally CAVED. Ughhh
Okay...I promise to get back on track starting Monday.
No sodas? That's a true test of strength.