Friday, October 28, 2011

1st Halloween Party at School

Hayden had his first little Halloween party today.  As a preschooler.  I can’t believe it!  I can’t believe I was already doing some home-room mommin’ the past couple of weeks! 

Amy, Randa, and I got together this week and made a few things for the kids and got their little goodie bags ready.  We kept it pretty simple for the party.  Pizza, fruit, chips, ranch dip, cookies, and some good ole’ Capri Sun! 

When Amy and I got to the school, Hayden immediately begun melting down.  Then, the rest of the kids started crying one by one.  Mrs. Jen had them sitting away from where we were setting up and I guess Hayden didn’t understand why he couldn’t come to me and leave.  :-/  I think the party might have been a little over-stimulating and interrupted their routine, but we did have fun after all! 

The kids could dress up or bring their costume if they wanted.  We opted not to since we have two more nights to wear the costume. 


Cute cookies Amy’s babysitter decorated for us.


Amy and little hunter Hudson.


Us, the best one we got.


They made little foam pumpkins.  Easy. Cheap. And they were so proud of them!


Mrs. Jen had these boxes and all the kids loved playing them!  She tried to get us to take one home so they could play in it.  Just what we need!  :-)


The boys love the playhouses.  Thinking we might should get one for Hayden for Christmas.  A little more boyish though.  ;-)



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I would consider the first party a little hectic , but definitely a success!  Can’t wait fore more to come! 

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Looks like he had lots of fun and for the record, you look great in the "us" picture. :)