Monday, May 10, 2010

Brush, Brush, Brush

The fun of brushing four (almost 6) little teeth has begun!  I am quite sure I should have been doing this earlier, but I haven’t.  I have however always most of the time wiped his mouth out with a rag a couple of times a day. 

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Hayden LOVES his toothbrush.  So much so that he usually throws a little fit when we are done.  :-)  I will usually brush his teeth first and then let him give it a try.





Kelly said...

We got Kaden a battery operated toothbrusha nd he LOVES it! Believe it or not, he should have VERY clean teeth! Ha!

Kristin said...

Good job!! I have only done it like once.. LOL the blog post.... haha... I have to start getting better!! The doctor told me too!!