Saturday, April 3, 2010

Garden progress and one dirty boy!

Hayden is feeling much better! Praise the Lord! Today was one of those days were you literally spend 10 minutes indoors and spend the rest of the day outside. I love days like this!

Today, while Jeff worked in the garden...
(We planted corn, sweet corn, tomatoes, okra, cantaloupe, squash, and cucumbers. Doesn't it look good? A long way from the grass fire picture. HA HA!)

And I planted flowers and made a strawberry bed...
(Don't you love my little workstation Jeff set up for me? He even made me some great potting soil with fresh manure.)

Hayden rode the tractor with his Granddaddy...

Played in the dirt...
(See that blanket on the grass? That is where he is supposed to be playing with his toys. HA HA!)


Picked grass...

And maybe ate a little grass and dirt too...

Needless to say, Hayden was in desperate need of a bath when we were all done!

What a GREAT day!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Such a cutie! Jeff looks like he's peeing in the first pic :) HA!