Sunday, October 25, 2009

It Happened!

YIPEE YI YAY!!!! I am doing my happy dance! WE HAVE MOVED!! We are so excited to be in our new house and we feel like we have so much room! Of course we still have boxes to unpack but a lot of it is done!! Jeff's family graciously volunteered to help us again (4th move in 2 years). I know they are sick of moving us (as we are sick of moving) but this will be our last move for a LONG time! I will have pictures soon, but for now, I just thought I would report the good news!


Catherine said...

Yay! I know that is a relief for you guys! Can't wait to see pictures!!

Kelly said...

I'm so glad your in your new house! My Dad just called and told me that your Mom is in the hospital and not doing well, I am praying Megan! I am PRAYING!!!

Marla said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to see pictures!

Jamie said...

Yay! That's so exciting!!!

Spamp said...

That's great!!!! Can't wait to see pics!

The Barner Bunch said...

How exciting! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever. That goodness we have BLOGS!
I promise promise promise to come see you soon. Barrett can help baby proof the NEW house! ha ha

Marla said...

How exciting!! Can't wait to see pictures!!

P.S. How is the sleeping going?? Update soon, I like reading about Hayden since him and Payton are so close in age, it helps me and gives me ideas too!!

Amanda said...

Yay! Congrats!

Kristin said...

I guess you figured out the 2nd comment from Marla was really me... I guess she was signed in on my computer and I didn't realize it! Sorry!