Monday, November 17, 2008

16 weeks

First I have to apologize for it taking me almost a month to post something new! I am such a slacker! :-)

I am officially 16 weeks and 4 days pregnant and after looking at the picture...officially growing! I have been feeling great! I have the occasional "migraine" type headaches, but other than that doing great.

This past weekend I went hunting at our deer lease in West Texas with Jeff and my dad. Lots of people have said "I can't believe you are still going hunting." I know, probably crazy to climb up a 15 foot ladder decked out with 3 layers of camo to sit in a deer stand by myself in 28 degree weather when you are pregnant. But, I love it! I love not only the "sport", but treasure the time with my husband and daddy. Jeff got a 7 point and my dad got a 9 point this past weekend. (Sorry for the gruesome picture. I know some of you think I am crazy, but it does feed our family.)

The weekend before my best friend Jennifer and I walked in the Breast Cancer 3 Day. What an amazing experience! I will save the details for another post!

My next doctors appointment is Thursday. Can't wait to hear that heartbeat again!!! Then, it should be about 3 weeks until we find out what we are having. So exciting!!


Catherine said...

aww! you look great!

Jennifer said...

I am ready for Dec. 5th! :) Cute little belly!

Amanda said...

So cute! Way to go on your walk too!

The Barner Bunch said...

I wanted to just buy my own HOME (PERSONAL) heart rate monitor to hear any time I wanted! Just wait until she starts kicking. You'll love THAT even more!!!!