Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Beginnings of Potty Training…Country Boy Style!

{Hayden is going to love me for this post.  Oh well, it’s memories, right?  What else am I going to use to put in his high school annual his senior year?}

We have begun Operation Potty Train.  Just trying to get him to entertain the thought of maybe wanting to use the potty in the near future.  When I first got his “frog potty” around Christmas time, he sat on it a few times and actually used the potty.  Since then, he has adamantly refused to even look at it.  I have occasionally taken him outside to pee on a special rock or the grass if he woke up with a dry diaper.  He was somewhat ok with this.  :-) 

Today, we had a breakthrough!  This morning while we were playing outside, I decided to strip him down and see if he would go or tell me he needed to go. 

He played and played for about an hour.  No luck.


He went inside and requested a sucker.  Well, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to use it as an incentive.  And guess what, it worked!  He sat on the frog potty with his sucker!  


I read several books to him and he even read a couple himself. 

DSC_0123_edited-1 DSC_0122_edited-1 

He sat there for quite a long time and we were successful!!  WAHOO!!  Even if he would have just sat there, I would have considered that a success! 

He had on underwear or nothing until lunch time.  He peed a few times outside and once in the kitchen and once in his room and twice in his underwear.  I was in the kitchen when he went in his room.  He had peed in a bucket full of toys.  Not sure that was on purpose, but he came out clapping so proud of himself.  LOL!

He woke up dry from his nap and we sat on the potty some more.  No luck in the potty, but he did go outside.  I guess one of these days we will need to move into the house!  He starts preschool (half day, one day a week) tomorrow and I can just see him pulling it all down outside in front of all the kids!  Ha! 


Kelly, these look familiar?  :-)


Dewawn Wiest said...

That is hysterical! I love that he peed in a bucket of toys. Bucket? Toilet? What's the difference, really? :)

Marla said...

These are just hilarious! He will love you for these! Priceless!

Kristin said...

Those pictures are too funny!! He will love you one day for them... or his future wife will!! HAHAHA!!!

That's great though! Payton has gone in the potty a few times, actually woke up dry this morning. But, wouldn't go sit on her potty. I guess I should start putting her in panties and let her have accidents, I don't know!!

Kelly said...

I was just about to write, those look familiar, when I saw your last line. :) Glad they are getting some use. I love the pee in the bucket story, however, it's a lot funnier when you aren't the one who has to clean up all the messes. Try to be real patient with him, he will get it! Kaden peed off the front porch of the CHURCH last Sunday! Dropped his shorts and underwear and peed right there. Talk about embarrassing! Oh My! Thank goodness everyone had left already! So, don't worry, your day is coming. Kaden has been fully potty trained for a few months now, then suddenly since school started he has been refusing to go in the potty again. Lots of accidents and going outside again... I think it is his rebellion against my work schedule. Makes me feel horrible.

The Barner Bunch said...

OH my goodness! I couldn't even concentrate on reading your post because I was laughing so hard at the pictures of Hayden sitting on the froggy potty with a sucker...and reading the Highlights magazine! Oh my gosh! Hysterical!!!!
When I can catch my breath and wipe the tears from my eyes...I'll go back and READ what you said! hahahaha

The Barner Bunch said... mistake...that was not a Highlight magazine...but instead a book! Oops
Well, you can't stop the boy from being proud of himself and peeing in the bucket! At least he has a good shot! He made it IN the bucket!!!! I'd clap to that too.
Just wait. When they miss, and pee all over your wall/, nor he...will be clapping with JOY!

Jamie said...

This. Post. Is. Hysterical!! In so many ways!! I love it!!!