Saturday, August 6, 2011

What’s for dinner?

This week I have not been a great meal planner.  Pretty much haven’t cooked one time for dinner until tonight.  I do good some weeks.  Not so much others.  I honestly struggle a bit with it for a few reasons.

1.  I need to PLAN!  I am not good at laying something out for dinner.  I am last minute most of the time.

2.  Hayden usually takes a mid day nap.  (11:00-1:00 or 2:00).  Therefore, we eat a late lunch.  Then, that leads to a late dinner (if I cook) and a late bedtime.  I know that midday nap seems crazy, but is what works for us and he seems to get the best rest if he goes down around 11 or a little before.  If I lay him down after noon, naps are usually not great and makes for a long day!  :-) 

3.  Jeff sleeps during the day and usually wakes up around 8 PM ish…  So, if cook dinner at 5, it’s cold and needs to be reheated (he isn’t a fan of leftovers and some things just aren’t good for leftovers). 

4.  Again, Jeff wakes up around 8 and it is his “morning” time.  So, spaghetti isn’t always what he wants for breakfast. 

5.  Hayden climbs my leg and seems to be most needy when I am trying to cook dinner.  Wonder why?  I try to get him to “help” me, but that only lasts so long.  Sometimes having him on my hip isn’t always the safest!  :-) 

All this to say, it is my internal struggle.  Jeff NEVER complains.  He always makes do and finds something.  I just hate that I stay home and don’t always have dinner on the table.  You know?  Again, internal struggle.  Something that Jeff would never ever mention. 

Jeff has been teasing wondering if I had quiche ready when he woke up in the evenings.

Well, tonight, his wish was granted!  Jen posted this recipe on her recipe blog quite some time ago and it is one of our all-time favorite meals!  Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch, or Dinner!  DELISH!


Then, I have had S’mores on the brain.  I think because it’s so stinkin’ hot and dry, there is no way that we could have a camp fire to roast marshmellows.  So, I found this S’mores dessert.  Wow.  Easy and SOOOOOOO good!  Jeff said it was “good”.  So, I asked him if it was good.  Good. or GOOD?  He said it was Good.  I would say it is GOOOOD!  HA!  Very rich! 


Hayden thought they were both quite delicious too! 

And just for 43 (Marla and Kristin, know that one?  Ha!)…

Most of my recipes and blog posts about recipes can be found under the “recipes” label on the left.  Also, if you are looking for fun, quick, easy, and scrumptious meals, check out these blogs…

I know there are so many out there, but these are two I frequent!  Along with Pioneer Woman of course!

Also, I changed the way you can comment.  Let me know how it works.  I think it should make it easier to comment overall or atleast save your login info when you return to my site.  Thought I would try it out!