Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I am so tired and I can’t think of a cute title.

For some reason, I am so tired and I can’t think of a cute-catchy title for my random post.

Today, I spent all day cleaning, picking up, putting away, unpacking things (still), painting furniture and entertaining a sweet one year old that only went to time-out 2 times today.  You know what he goes to time out for?  Putting things in the trash can that are not supposed to be in there.  He thinks it is so fun and I am not sure how many things we have lost due to the trash can game.  We officially started “time out” Monday.  Seems to be working fairly well.  We’ll see. 

This past weekend we spent at the deer lease.  I was able to hunt all weekend, but didn’t see any shooters.  So, no deer for us, but Dad got a nice 8 point Saturday morning.

DSC_0223 When we got the deer lease, 5 hours away from home, we noticed that we did make it there with one stitch of clothing for Hayden.  3 pair of shoes and diapers, but no clothes.  Isn’t that lovely?  They were sitting right where I left them when we got home.  Right by the front door.  UHG!  Luckily there is a Walmart about 15 minutes away from the lease.  Hayden got a whole new Walmart  wardrobe to get us through the weekend.

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Sunday morning in the stand was SOOOO cold!  I think 29 degrees was the lowest it got that morning.  I was bundled up head to toe with a little heater.  Maybe I am a wimp, but I could only handle about 2 1/2 hours and I had to go get warm!

deer stand

So, after all that hunting and freezing  my little booty off, here is a story for you.  Yesterday morning, I woke up and saw what I thought was a deer outside our back door.  Well, about 400 yards away.  Got the binoculars and sure enough it was a deer.  A big deer.  A big deer with nice horns.  I decided to go wake Jeff up and have him take a look. 

I will let Jeff tell you the story…

“Tuesday morning about 6:50 I was sound asleep in my nice warm bed. Out of nowhere Megan comes in the bedroom and tells me there is this huge deer in the pasture next to the house. Most men would have jumped out of bed and grabbed a gun but I knew she wasn’t telling me this so I could go hunting. So, being the supportive husband that I am, I told Megan to get her rifle and get some warm clothes on. I climbed out of bed and picked Hayden up and went to the back door. Hayden and I looked out back and there was a very impressive buck out there. I got very excited as did Megan and she got ready. Now, I was expecting her to put on some camo, some boots and all the traditional hunting equipment we spend good money on. Then I remembered that all that hunting equipment was in the trailer at the deer lease! So there I am looking out the back door, it’s 27 degrees outside, I’m holding Hayden and watching as my distinguished well educated wife creeps across the pasture with a deer rifle in her hand wearing some beautiful, loud, black, red and white PJ’s! Megan worked very hard and could have shot the deer but as it turned out he was not legal because his horns were broken off on one side.  After all that work and excitement she came back in the house and made some homemade waffles and we had a great breakfast. At that moment I said to myself, “This woman is absolutely wonderful”!”

Yes, I admit.  I did creep across the pasture in my pj’s.  Got within about 150 yards of the buck.  He was chasing a doe and we watched them (he was taunting me) for about 4 hours.  He was very impressive and it was exciting to see him so close to home.  He looked as if he would have been a 10 pt if he had not been broken off.  Oh well, maybe he will come back around next year. 

Last night I finally got most of our Christmas presents wrapped.  I am not sure why I dreaded it so much.  I think it is just the thought of dragging everything out.  But, I am so glad it is done!

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Still have some shopping to do.  What about you?  Jen (she is in town!), Shauna, and I are having a girls weekend Saturday and Sunday shopping, hanging out, and staying the night in Dallas this weekend.  We are all so excited and I hope to finish up our Christmas shopping and getting a few things we still need for the house (like bathroom mirrors!!!).

Off to get some rest!  Big day tomorrow…I am getting my hair cut and get to do a little cooking/baking for a  Christmas party I am going to tomorrow night with Jen, Cindy, and Mom.  Should be fun!  Hayden gets to spend the evening with his Aunt Robin. 

Hope you are having a good week!


Marla said...

That's a great story! And I love how Jeff told it!

Have a good shopping weekend and girl fun. Sounds like so much fun!

Kristin said...

Cute pictures! And I too love the story!! :)

I am done shopping!!! :) I'm jealous of your girls weekend, sounds so fun!!!

The Barner Bunch said...

Hahaha I love Jeff telling the story from his point of view! Greatness!!!

Good luck with the TIME OUT! lol

Need to see that hair cut...hopefully IN PERSON sooner than later.

Tell Jennifer hello! Hope to talk to you soon.

Jamie said...

I love Jeff's story! Too funny!

Are you using a time out chair? I think we are getting pretty close to that route.