Before Hayden turned 17 months, I wanted to remember his 16 month stats! We missed our 15 month appointment due to our doctor having to cancel our appointment at the last minute. So, when we finally went for that appointment, he was 16 months.
Here they are:
Weight-25 Pounds (50 %)
Height-31 inches (40%)
Head-19 1/4 inches (90%)
He had gained 4 pounds and had grown 2 1/2 inches since his 1 year appointment. Can I just say, I thought that watching your newborn get shots was the worst thing ever! Holding your 16 month old down during shots is much worse! I know there are more to come, but it is definitely one of my very least favorite things to do! When we went back for Hayden’s “sick” visit last week, he got so upset when he saw that nurse that gave him his shots. It was so sad! I felt so bad for her and for him too! I couldn’t believe he remembered her, but he sure did! I guess it is a necessary evil! Atleast we think it is!
I always hated shots, too. I've decided the 4 year check up is the worst. I've already told Don he will have to take Donny for his. I took Braelyn and REFUSE to go through that again!
Bless his little heart!
That is the sweetest pic of Hayden. I can't wait to see him and kiss him up! I know he won't cuddle with me a min. though. I can tell he is a little 'boy' now and busy!
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