Friday, August 6, 2010

Hayden at 15 3/4 months!

Ok, I have said I was going to do a 13 month post, 14th month post, and a 15th month post.  Well…I am determined to make  it before 16 months!!


So, what is Hayden up to these days?

Hayden really likes to…

Eat dog food.

Play in the trash can.

Play with his buckets of toys!  He really likes to take things in and out of his buckets.

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Play in the dog’s water bowl.


Play with his balls! Big Basketballs, Baseballs, Rubber balls, Foam balls, Tennis Balls…Loves them all!   One of his favorite words these days…Ball…Ball...Ball! 

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Eat dog food and put things in the trash that he is not supposed to.


Play outside until his face is red as a beet and we MAKE him come inside!  He goes to the door and BEGS to go outside many times a day.  He doesn’t quite understand, “No Hayden, we can’t go outside right now.  It is too HOT!”.  This is usually the cause of a several fits each day, especially if you go outside without him.  He has even brought my shoes to me and while whining and pointing at  the door.

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To point and tell you all about what he sees!  He will point with his finger and also with his whole hand.  Recently he was watching a weatherman on the TV, then started mimicking him pointing with his whole hand.  It was hilarious!  He also likes to point with one hand and talk (have a conversation) with his other hand that he  holds right in front of his face.  Oh, how I wish I knew what he was saying to that hand. :-)

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Play peek-a-book and chase.

Play with his blocks, tractors, little people toys, cars, etc.

Eat dog food and play in the trash can.

Hayden likes to eat…


Pretty much any kind of fruit, Nutri-grain bars, peanut butter fold over, peanut butter and banana toast, waffle with peanut butter, cheese, cheese toast, grilled cheese, quesadillas, spaghetti, chicken spaghetti, lasagna,  rice and refried beans (sometimes), and chips.  He will occasionally eat green peas and carrots.  He seems to be a picky eater right now!

Drinks whole milk four times a day.

Loves his water!

Hayden has started…

Walking (at 14 months).  He is almost running now!

Hugging! L-O-V-E it!  He will come over to you and hug your legs.  He particularly does this a lot to his Nanny!  He has also started giving goodnight hugs.  He can still be a little stingy with his hugs though!  Dad also taught him how to go “Night, Night” on something.  He will lay his head down on his tractor book, or “on the pigs” in his book, or even on your shoulder (for a second). 


Shaking his finger at you and saying “No, No”.  He will do this on his way to you guessed it…eat dog food and play in the trash can.

Smiling at you when you say “No, No” and continue doing what he is doing.  Man, that smile/laugh is hard to resist when you are trying to be serious!

Getting into the chips that are kept under the island.  He has learned to take the chip clip off and help himself!  That boy loves him some chips.  Especially sour cream and onion potato chips.  Healthy huh?  Jen, don’t freak out…he only has a couple at a time.  :-)

Giving 5.

Clapping (at 15 months).  He especially likes to clap when he thinks he has done something that needs some praise!  :-) 

Waving (at 14. 5 months).

Not loving the shopping experience quite as much these days.  :-)

Running away when it is time for a diaper change.

TALKING!!!!!!!  Some words he says now (when he wants to of course)…no-no-no-no, done, bite, banana (na na na), Nanny or Nana (na na na), Momma, Dada, bath, no-no-no-no, dog, deer, please, bye-bye, no-no-no-no, down, ball, side (outside), pig, moon, drink, ish (fish-goldfish),’mone (c’mon), oh no, no-no-no-no. 

I really feel like Hayden understands everything you are saying to him now.  You can actually give him directions and he will follow them (most of the time).  Such as, take this to the trash, take your clothes to the dirty clothes or utility room, put your toys in your bucket, come into your room so we can get dressed, etc.

I have also started putting two animals or objects on the floor tell him to grab a specific one  and put it in the bucket or to point at something in a book.  95% of the time he gets it right!  Smart boy! 


Started sleeping through the night at 12 months.  WAHOO! 

Sleeps for about 11-12 hours at night. 

Goes to bed between 7:00 PM and 8:00 PM. 

Wakes up between 7:00 AM and 8:00 AM.  Until recently he was waking up between 6:00 AM and 7:00 AM.  I am thankful for the extra sleep!

Typically takes one good nap (between 2-3 hours) in the late morning and sometimes an extra afternoon nap for about 45 minutes-1 hour.

**Our doctor had to cancel our 15 month appointment at the last minute, so we don’t have official stats yet.

DSC_0789 Hayden Luke…You are growing up and changing so much EACH DAY!!  You are ONE LOVED BOY!!!!!


Lisa said...

HaHa I love the "eat the dog food and play in the trash." Such a cutie!

Kristin said...

I love reading those updates!! What is it about the stinking trash can??

He is saying lots of words!! GO Hayden!! :)

Jennifer said...

I love you Hayden! Hopefully Mommmy hasn't stunted your growth by giving you chips! :) You're growing so quickly! I can't wait to see you next month!

The Fenter Funny Farm said...

Megan, he is absolutely precious...makes me smile everytime I see a new post and the dog food cracks me up.

Something else that I enjoy, and I feel like a stalker, is your friend's blog, with Parker and Grace. I read it after reading yours each night (well, when you post anyway). The picture of Grace looking at herself in the mirror at the doctor is beyond darling. And Parker is really growing up. Please tell your friend, I am not a stalker, but just really enjoy her blog and her two previous little girls! XOXO, Pam

Stacey said...

What a little cutie! He is just adorable! It is so much fun to watch them grow and learn! :)

The Barner Bunch said...

Love your post! Our boys sure do love the OUTSIDE! It IS too hot...but they just don't understand!!!!
Those goofy, yellow glasses! Hilarious (last picture). Those were cracking us up last time I was there! haha
We can still shop, and leave the boys behind with their daddies! Amen to that!

Our Family for His Glory said...

He is such a cutie!!