Monday, February 1, 2010

Special Delivery!

I love getting things in the mail! On Thursday, I got this big box!


Jeff and I were talking one night about how I would like to walk more outside, but with our long rock driveway and paved, but not perfect roads, our Chicco stroller is going to get ruined if I continued to use it on walks around here. I don't think it was made for country living! So, I suggested we get a jogging stroller. Just to set the record straight, I don't jog, but I do like to walk! So, I started doing some research and this is the one I ended up getting.


It is a Joovy Zoom 360. All of the reviews were great on it and it was on clearance at Babies R Us online along with an extra 15% off and free shipping! When looking, I wanted a 3 wheeled stroller with the swivel front wheel. I also wanted bicycle like tires. I wanted a large canopy for warm sunny days. Basically, I wanted a high quality stroller without having to spending a lot of money to get it! ;-) It also came with a rain cover (if some of you are that dedicated) and a tire pump. Everything that the reviews said about it, I loved!


We put it together on Friday, but because the weather was so yucky, we didn't get to officially try it out, but Hayden decided to go for a spin in his PJ's in the kitchen.



But, today, we decided to try it out and enjoy the 30 seconds of sunshine! :-)



Hayden got a little sleepy!


It truly rides/drives "like a Cadillac"! I love it!

1 comment:

The Barner Bunch said...

I love it! How sporty!!! He looks good in it...and best of all, it usually always relaxes them. I don't know relaxing on a gravel, rocky road though! ha ha
Love you! We'll have to hook up and STROLL soon.