Friday, May 11, 2012

Last day of Preschool

Today was Hayden’s last day of preschool for this year.  I couldn’t help but capture a few shots before his last day. 



I love comparison pictures.  Don’t you? 



I remember how nervous I was when I left him that first day back in the Fall.   I couldn’t hardly get anything done because I was pacing wanting time to go by really fast.  Yet, it seemed to have been the longest 3 hours ever!  Now, I can get more done in those 3 hours than I do the entire rest of the week.  Ha!  Well, maybe that is an exaggeration but you get my point!  I really struggled with whether I would send him back to preschool because it is two days next year. I wasn’t sure I was ready for two days.   But, I think it really has been good for him.  And, it is only three hours each day.  So, he will be going back in the Fall.  It is amazing how much he has grown and changed since the first day of school last year. 

I took him for his 3 year well check this week.   He was 38 1/4 inches tall and weighed 35.8 lbs.   He had grown 4 1/2 inches since last year.  Such a big boy! 


Yolanda said...

He is tooo funny!!! Love him so much!! And........he still looks just like his Daddy. LOL

Marla said...

Yes- I do love comparison pics!! He's getting so big!

The Barner Bunch said...

I can't get over how much he as grown!!! 4+ inches? That's insane!!! It happens right before our eyes, doesn't it.
Big boy!!! Love him so much!!!