Sunday, May 6, 2012

Another Party!

Today we went to Trevor’s (my cousin’s son) 7th Birthday Party!  We kind of like birthday parties around here.  Can’t you tell? 

His party was held at Kids Party Town and it was so much fun.  I knew Hayden might be pretty apprehensive at first, and he was, but he quickly warmed up and was all about ALL the balls!  There were balls everywhere!  The kids LOVED it! 


Aunt Barbara was such a great sport!  Trevor, the birthday boy, is in the white shirt! 



Aunt Barbara was such a great encourager too! Between her and my cousin Tony, they finally got Hayden talked into jumping!


Cannon, Trevor’s brother.


After a little more persuasion, we got Hayden on the “obstacle course” and he was hooked.  He LOVED it!  We all did!  I think Aunt Barbara got an elbow burn on the way down the slide, but we had fun any way! 

Cake and present time!

Cannon, D.D., Tony, and Trevor




It was a great place to have a party.  Hayden had so much fun.   He was one tired boy!

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I hope we can have a play date with our friends there this summer when they have open play.  I think they would LOVE it! 

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Looks like a lot of fun! I went to the website and they have toddler times! We should make it a play date and do that sometime!!!