Jeff gave me the speech. The speech stating that I haven’t updated the blog in a while. That my “fans” are being let down. Oh, the pressure. ;-)
Not too much going on really. Jeff has been working A LOT and we have been just hanging out at home mostly. We did make it to the park last Friday for a picnic and playtime. That was fun!
We bought a new grill. I know, this probably isn’t real exciting for you. But it was really exciting for us! We haven’t had one in about three years. Long overdue! So, we spent a lot of Saturday getting it all put together.
Hayden drug out every piece of the grill and every tool and was all up in the middle of everything sat so nice and ate his donuts and drank his water while we put the grill together. He was pretty festive for St. Patrick’s day too!
Of course, we had to celebrate St. Patty’s day and test out the grill with a steak dinner that night! Yum!
Sunday, church day and then I had a Thirty-One party that afternoon so Hayden spent the afternoon with Nana and Papa.
He looked so handsome before church!
Silly of course!

Hayden spent the night with Nanny and Granddaddy Monday night. I had a doctors appointment {don’t get excited, just an annual} early Tuesday morning Dallas. Yes, the morning it was raining like crazy and I had to be there at 8:50. So, I left at 6:30 AM to make sure I got there on time. Still took about 2 hours but I was there 30 minutes early thank goodness!
This sweet boy is getting closer to three each day. HE IS A MESS! Bedtime and nap time have become increasingly challenging. Wondering if we might need to drop nap or if he is just being hard headed. He still sleeps about 2 hours every day during his nap though. He is staying up later though because he doesn’t get to see Jeff if he doesn’t stay up until about 8:30. So, bedtime is getting closer to 9:00 or 9:30. Which is ok if he was going straight to bed. Tonight we were still going at it at 10:30. Wonder if he will sleep in in the morning? He has actually been sleeping later since he is staying up later, getting up closer to 8 AM. I kind of like sleeping in too. I am actually getting about 8 hours of sleep at night and I feel like a new woman! :-)
I hope you have a great weekend! We are quite excited around here because Jeff has the whole weekend off and we are anxious to spend time together! (see below) Off to read on my two new books I got in the mail today…
I know I am probably a little behind the rest of the world reading the 5 Love Languages. We have a great marriage, but I think you can always learn new ways to show your love and appreciation for one another! Excited to read both of them.
Have you read them? What is your love language? You can go HERE and see what yours is!
Jeff’s: Quality Time then Acts of Service
Mine: Physical Touch then Words of Affirmation
If I were guessing, Hayden’s would be physical touch too. He is very dependent and needs you to be right beside him. If he needs attention he is all over you. Could be Quality Time too. Hmm…