Friday afternoon, Hayden and I headed to McKinney to hangout with The Barner’s. Amy was hosting a Thirty-One party that afternoon and then we planned to stay the night and get up early to head to the Balloon Festival. And, that is exactly what we did!
The Boys had such a blast playing together. I was kind of worried how the party would go since I was trying to “work” and be a mommy at the same time. :-) But, they played upstairs most of the time and had the best time! We did hear the occasional “Mommy”. I think Hayden just wanted to make sure I was still around! Ha!
After we got the boys to bed Amy and I headed to Target. We didn’t get there until about 9:00 PM but we had so much fun! We literally walked up just about every isle. Going to Target late at night and staying until they close without kids is such a treat! Can I get an AMEN? Ha!
I almost peed my pants looking at and watching Amy try on Halloween Costumes. She will kill me for this…
After Target, we made a late night run to Taco Bell. Yum! Got to bed around 12:45 AM or so. Amy came in at 5:40 AM to wake us up to get ready to head to the Balloon Festival! Pretty sure I had just closed my eyes.
The boys got their morning milk and were ready to go!
It was a throw on a hat and go kind of morning for Momma!
The Balloons were supposed to be ready to launch around 6:30 or 7:00 AM but we got there and waited a while before they started showing up.
Gave us time to eat our yummy donuts!
Here they go…
After the balloons were all pretty much up, they let us all go on the field since they weren’t going to launch (due to weather).
Barrett got to hold the guide rope! So cool!
On the field with the balloons! Hayden was being a little stink and didn’t want his picture taken.

I thought this pirate balloon was pretty cool. Outside and inside of it…
We really had a great time. We had a front row seat to the balloons as they were blown up and the boys loved it! I am so glad we were able to go even though they didn’t launch! Thanks Matt, Amy, and Barrett for letting us tag along!