Friday, July 8, 2011

Swimming, Swimming, and More Swimming!


This morning, Hayden and I headed out for another fun day with friends…swimming! 

We met Kristin and Payton…


And Shada and Addisyn…




Then, we enjoyed our picnic lunch.  Hayden loved his lunch.  Or, the chips I packed and the Oreo's that Kristin gave him.   What else are you supposed to eat poolside besides junk? 


After lunch,  Hayden decided he wanted to get brave!  He was just floating around taking it easy.  I was really proud of how well he did getting back to the steps or side of the pool.


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We came home from swimming and took a 45 minute nap only to get up and head out for our third day of swim lessons.  He did much better yesterday than the first day.  But, cried for about 20 minutes today at the beginning of our lesson.  Maybe he was just tired of swimming.  But, we got back in the swing of things and he finished out the last half of the lesson doing well.  He went under a few times today.  They had him go head first through a hula hoop that was on the surface of the water today.  A little scary for a momma, but he never cried once after going under water. 

We had a long but super fun day of swimming.  I am pretty sure that it took Hayden about 2.2 seconds to go to sleep tonight.  Oh, and today was the second day of NO PACI!!!  Woot Woot!  He never mentioned it at all today except once right before bed.  We told him he was a big boy and didn’t need it any more.  He was fine with it!  Praise the Lord this has been much easier than I thought!

Have a great weekend!


Jennifer said...

You're convicting me on the paci! It's harder for me than Hud. Love the new suit! Where did you get it? I bet you'll sleep good tonight too. Nighty night friend!

The Barner Bunch said...

I'm so glad the paci elmination was successful. And SWIMMING...horray for Hayden Luke!!!