Monday, April 19, 2010

1 year well visit


Today we had Hayden’s one year well visit.  Other than getting three shots and Hayden getting his hand mashed under the door (poor baby), it went great! 

Here are his stats:

Weight-20.14 lbs (25th percentile)

Height-28 1/2 inches (10th percentile)

Head-18 1/2 (75th percentile…that big brain of his!)

Our only real concern was some little bumps Hayden has on the back of his arms.  Dr. Pflieger just attributed it to eczema.  Not too much you can do for it.  I did get some Aquafor to try on it.  I had already changed his bath soap to Aveeno but haven’t seen much, if any, change.

Hayden and his Daddy waiting…

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The bad stuff…


The good stuff…Hanging out with Dr. Pflieger…

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We love our doctor!  He is so good with Hayden!  His nurses are fabulous too!

And for fun….What a difference a year makes…

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After our doctor visit, we went to see our sweet friends at Nebbie Williams.  I miss those girls!

Then, off to Babies R Us, Chick-fil-a  (Have you had their grilled chicken and fruit salad with the berry vinaigrette???  DELICIOUS!!)  Target, and Ross.  I drug my poor baby all over town and he was simply worn out!  He just leaned over and fell asleep in the buggy at Target.


Hopefully no more doctor visits for us until the 15 month well visit. 


Kristin said...

Glad everything with well!! I can't believe he just leaned over in the cart and went to sleep!! I don't think Payton will ever do that :)!

Taren said...

That last picture is so cute with him falling asleep! Oh that eczema...I hate that stuff and Camdyn has a horrible case of it on her ankles. I had it bad when I was little too :( Little dots actually sound pretty minor so mayabe he will get rid of it soon

Dewawn Wiest said...

He's adorable! I can't believe he's already a year old.

We've had some major issues with eczema on Donny. If the Aquafor and/or Aveeno don't work, try Dove Sensitive body wash and CeraVe moisturizer. Those two combined have made quite a difference over the last month. Both were recommended by our dermatologist.