Wednesday, May 27, 2009

6 weeks already?

Wow! Where does time go? Our baby boy is 6 weeks old already! I think about if I had to go back to work right now...I can't imagine!

Hayden is starting to "coo" a lot more and often holds his head up for 30 seconds to a minute. When should we start the bumbo seat? I don't think it will be long before he starts to smile! He has pretty much grown out of his newborn things now. They are quite snug these days! Time for some big boy clothes! Diapers...UHG! He is still wearing newborns, but I don't feel like they fit that great. We have tried both Huggies and Pampers and they both leak!! Pampers out he top and Huggies out the side. Anyone have better luck with boys and another brand?

Hayden is still fussy quite often in the evenings. He is currently taking Previcid for reflux and it has seemed to help a little. The doctor also recommended giving him a little cereal at his bedtime feeding. So, with hesitation, I started giving him a little oatmeal cereal at his 9-10 PM feeding. This worked great on Monday and tonight (so far). Not so much last night...probably because I tried to put him in his bed. :-/ That brings me to another point...Hayden HATES his bed!! He will be dead asleep and we put him in his bed and 10 minutes later he flailing his arms and legs around and starts screaming! We don't ever put him down in his bed unless it has been an hour or so since a feeding because the milk seems to start coming back up if we do and he starts gagging/swallowing. Poor baby, it is horrible! We have tried to be "tough" a few times and let him cry in his bed to try to get him to go back to sleep. The longest I have gone...25 minutes. Jeff...5 minutes. He is a little weaker than me (Ha!), but obviously I couldn't resist either. So, needless to say, Hayden sleeps in his swing. And, yes, I have to rock him to sleep most times unless he fell asleep in the carseat or in the sling.

So, I think about it all the time. I don't want the reflux to bother him and don't want him to start gagging, but feel like he needs to start sleeping his bed at some point soon! And, I don't want to have to rock him every time either (although I LOVE it!). I really feel like sometimes he gets antsy and tired of rocking and just gets fussy. But, if you lay him down...the screaming begins! I have heard some people have had some luck with visiting the chiropractor for the fussiness/reflux. I may call tomorrow to ask about it.

Any advice??? I keep reading the Baby Wise book and it make it all sound so easy! It's not! I just want to make the right decisions!!

Other than this, we are doing GREAT!!!!!!!!!!! We love our baby more than we ever imagined we could! Here are some more pictures of our growing boy!

This is a new thing. He doesn't do it to often, but he fell asleep in my arms like this as I was running around like my head was cut off. I had just changed his diaper 3 times in a row. Then the dog threw up on our bed and Hayden was crying and Jeff had called. Seriously all within a minute or so. So, I had him in my arms, trying to change the sheets and talk to Jeff and I look down and he is asleep sucking his thumb. So Sweet!!

Loving on his Nanny (my mom) after she had been gone for 10 days to visit my Aunt Kathy and my Grandaddy in Vegas.

PS...Hayden had gained a pound (8 lbs, 4 oz.) and grown another 1/2 inch (21 inches) at his 1 month check-up (since the 2 week visit).


cstillwagoner said...

Hi! I found your blog through Kelly Mabe's. I have really enjoyed reading about you and your family. I just had a baby boy also--Mason. He is 3 weeks old today. I smiled as I read your last post because I am dealing with some of the same things you are. We are also taking medicine for acid reflux. I'm sure you've probably heard this already but our doctor recommended that we raise Mason's crib/bassinet to about a 30 degree angle to help with the reflux. The main problem that we share sounds like at night time. We can feed Mason, have him fast asleep in our arms and the second we lay him down in his bassinet he wakes up. Grrrr! so frustrating. Of course, I'm sure you understand this feeling. Anyways, I want to really thank you for sharing. It's nice to read about others that are having the same blessed experiences with their babies.

Jennifer said...

Friend! I can't wait to hold that baby!!!! We'll have to plan a mommy day :) even if it's to Emory :)

Bumbo-2-3 months depending on how his little head is.

I got your message yesterday-we were going to the potty all day yesterday (potty training) I'll call you later.

Oh, and I think Hayden looks like Jeff now :) And pull his thumb out of his mouth. It's so cute, but you can't ever take it away. At our ultrasound this baby was sucking his thumb already!!!

Kelly said...

Hayden looks SO much like his Daddy! He is GROWING fast! But, still not to Kaden's birth weight!!! We experienced the same problems with diapers, but we have for right now had good luck with Pampers cruisers. I have no advice to give on reflux because we just didn't experience that, thank goodness! Kaden does have the same exact bed as Hayden though and my Mom & I rolled towels up and put under the bed part to prop it up more at an angle, then I always lay him on his wedge as well. Have you tryed laying him on his side with a rolled blanket or small pillow proped between his legs? It for some reason makes them feel more secure and comfortable, my mOm would do that when Kaden was having trouble sleeping and he'd sleep for her everytime! It's VERY frustrating when you can't get them to sleep. Kaden didn't sleep well at first either. Don't feel bad for using the swing, you have PLENTY of time to work on the bed thing, it WILL come in time. Keep up the good work Mommy!!!

The Barner Bunch said...

Ahhh the pictures are cute, and I'm sorry you're struggling with the bed situation. Have you tried putting him on one of those foam incline/positioners? That helped Barrett. He slept on it until he was able to roll over.