Yesterday, our little man turned 7 months old. How does it seem so far away when they are first born yet it comes sooooo fast?
What is Hayden up to?Starting to scoot in a circle on his tummy.
Beginning stages of “rocking” on his hands and knees.

Still hasn't turned over back to front. Doesn't seem real interested in it. Ha!
Reaching for us with arms out in front of him instead of to the side.
Much more interested in his food and ours. When we are eating, he wants to be eating too!
Pretty much likes any baby food we give him. I did try avocado again tonight and he gagged and spit it out. He absolutely hated it. I haven’t tried carrots again though. We tried “Yo Baby” yogurt last night and finished it off today and he seemed to really like it.
Typically eats two meals a day other than nursing every 3 hours.
Drinks water from sippy cup after meals.
Loves his “jumperoo” (Thanks Eamon and Kelli)! He goes CRAZY in that thing!

Grabs anything and everything in sight! Especially hair!
Continues to put everything in his mouth! He especially wants to put every ones' hands in his mouth. YUCK!
Smiles and laughs all the time! He is so much fun!
Becoming quite a “Momma’s Boy”! Loves his Daddy lovin’ too!
Getting harder to rock to sleep. He is really strong and likes to turn circles in your lap. But, isn’t a big fan of just being put in his bed to try to go sleep either! Good times! (Although, he did it tonight!)
Usually takes at least one good nap a day (1-2 ½ hours). If he takes a longer nap in the morning, he usually takes a short nap in the afternoon.
Loves riding/sitting in the Baby Bjorn! This thing is a lifesaver! This is the only time he has ever fallen asleep in it. Doesn't look real comfy huh? He is so observant and just smiles at everyone walking by. Of course he always gets all kinds of attention. He just eats it up! officially a deer hunter! More on that to come!

I am thinking this sweet little innocent smile you see might look a little different next month. I am always hesitant to say he is teething if people ask, but I really think it is about to happen!

We love you Hayden Luke! You bring so much joy to our lives!